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GirlForward Speed Networking

Date: Thursday, July 27 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Location: Ocean Tomo, 200 W Madison Ave, Chicago, IL

ChiWIP’s giving back to the community initiatives start with education for young women in the Chicagoland community.  This year ChiWIP partnered with GirlForward, a group dedicated to helping young refugee women in the Chicago area, to help its members understand the vast career possibilities available to them.  Roughly 35 high school girls, with their interpreters and camp counselors, joined ChiWIP members and professional women for an inspiring Speed Career Networking Event on Thursday, July 27th. The purpose of this event was to introduce these high school young women with successful female professionals from a variety of careers in the medical, teaching/education, business, technology and the arts fields.  Thank you to all women who volunteered to share their careers and career paths with our local high school girls!


Nicole Janovick
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